3D, Sound Design
Lignin Industries
Lignin Industries is transforming forest residues into sustainable biobased plastics with the goal of reducing CO2 emissions in the plastics industry through the use of lignin. sub.stnc® continues to support green initiatives and brought this story to life with 3D and sound.
Reason For Undertaking The Project
We try to take on projects with sustainability as a theme because we think it's important to promote such values, allowing sub.stnc® to contribute in our small way to helping the planet. Plastic is a material that's hard for humans to avoid; it has excellent properties but is very harmful to the environment. Any solutions that can transform this material into something more environmentally friendly represent a step forward. It felt natural for us to assist Lignin Industries with this.
Challenges During The Production Phase
We struggled to perfect one specific shot—the one featuring a room filled with various products. We considered about six different setups for this room. The client aimed to showcase the range of products that could be made with their material. Given the generic nature of these products, it was particularly challenging to arrange them in the room in a way that was aesthetically pleasing while still aligning with the overall message. We resolved this by keeping the room quite simple and placing birches around the products to suggest that they were derived from these trees, enhancing both the visual appeal and the thematic coherence.
Sound Design
The sound design for this project was both fun and creative. We recorded a lot of cat litter (yes, haha) to create the sound of lignin powder. Since regular sand doesn't make much noise when poured or moved, cat litter actually provides excellent results. Another challenge that always arises with these types of sounds is how "loud" they can be made without sounding harsh. There's truly a balance to strike between making them sound soft and as loud as possible at the same time.

Lignin Industries AB
3D, Sound Design
Art Direction, Storyboard
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