

Branding Insights: Overlooked Details That Make a Powerful Difference

Branding Insights: Overlooked Details That Make a Powerful Difference

2 min read


June, 14th 2024

2 min read


June, 14th 2024

Small Details Matter

Imagine you're interested in buying a service from a company and you have a meeting scheduled with the seller. However, the seller arrives a bit late. What does that communicate? It may mean that the meeting wasn't important enough for them to be on time, which in return can reflect how much you will be valued after you become a client. So, again, small actions like this speak volumes about the underlying values of a brand. How can this simple truth help brands today? We realize that small details are very important to get us the results we want in terms of how we're being percieved by our audience. Now, what details do we not see atm that can be improved and what results can we get by sorting these details out?

We See But Do Not Hear

One area that's very overlooked is sound; namely sound quality. There's a tendency for brands to share recorded webinars, interviews or simple day-to-day video messages from the office on Linkedin or other channels that's recorded badly. Without realizing this communicates something subtly… Namely that "we did not care too much about how our content is being delivered to your device or your ears." This can sound radical but it's the truth, in the smallest of details there's a message. This area is one of them. So what's the solution in this case? If a brand instead were to give that material to an audio professional who refines the sound before publishing they could avoid this. How could this simple act affect how the brand is being percieved by others? It would communicate two powerful things:

  1. High-Attention To Detail – Cares much about quality even when it comes to the smallest of details. Nothing is left to chance.

  2. Client Care – "If the brand cares this much about small details… how much will it not care for me as a client?"


We realize and admit the power of small things and how they play a big role in how our brands are perceived by others. So, what small details are you going to adress in order to communicate good things subtly?




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